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Employing Slovak citizens in EU/EEA countries


Any company that decides to cooperate with the network of European employment services  in Slovakia represented by the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family with its  registered office at Špitálska 8, 812 67 Bratislava, Slovakia; ID No 30 794 536 (EURES  Slovakia) undertakes to comply with the conditions of cooperation with EURES Slovakia and  to follow their principles. These rules are intended to ensure transparent cooperation that meets the interests of both partners in a spirit of open, honest, professional and mutually beneficial partnership. 

EURES is a cooperation network designed by the European Commission to facilitate the free  movement of workers within the EU, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It is a  service that offers European employers recruitment advice in order to help jobseekers to  find a job and employers to fill their vacancies. The EURES network also plays an important  role in providing specific information and employment assistance in European cross-border  regions. 

In practice, EURES provides its services through EURES advisers and the portal, in Slovakia also through the portal 

The principle of non-payment. 

The aim of cooperation is not to achieve financial gain. Cooperation with companies or  institutions that collect any fees from jobseekers is therefore inadmissible. Any company  that decides to cooperate with EURES Slovakia recognizes the principle of non-payment as a  basic pre-requisite for cooperation. Likewise, all services listed in point 4 provided by EURES  Slovakia to employers are provided free of charge. 

Who can cooperate with EURES Slovakia? 

EURES Slovakia cooperates with direct employers or temporary-work agencies (being in the  position of employers) that have their registered office outside the Slovak Republic in an EU  Member State, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Iceland (‘foreign employer’). 

EURES Slovakia may decide not to cooperate with any company whose reputation is  seriously compromised and which could adversely affect the reputation of the EURES  network. 

What services does EURES Slovakia offer?

– information 

Information tools aimed at providing assistance and support in the recruitment process,  including in particular information on current trends in the European labour market,  practical and administrative aspects of labour mobility, the current situation in the labour  market in the regions of Slovakia and the availability and structure of workforce. 

– advisory 

Assistance in the process of vacancy registration. If necessary, a personal meeting can be organised to get a better idea of the candidates you are looking for and of the profile of your  job offer. 

– advertising 

Publication of the job offer on the portal and on notice boards of the Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in the Slovak Republic (the ‘labour offices’) and, if necessary, on the social networking sites of EURES Slovakia (Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram)

– promotion 

It is possible to reserve a smaller visible space at selected labour offices where you can place your promotional leaflets, materials or a stand.

– registration 

You can create your personal EURES account on the portal, which  gives you the possibility to search for and save the profiles of relevant candidates from the  CV database and receive e-mail notifications of new profiles in the database matching the  published job vacancy.

– search and pre-selection 

Search for suitable candidates in the database of all jobseekers registered at the labour offices and contacting suitable candidates for the jobs advertised by you. Making a pre- selection from the profiles of candidates and sending you the CVs of suitable candidates. In  case of interest, checking the language skills and motivation of candidates and provision of  rooms and technical facilities for the testing of candidates. 

– recruitment 

Organising a selection procedure combined with the presentation of your company and of the job vacancies offered at any of the Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Slovakia, including free provision of rooms. Depending on the candidates’ interest, we can  also arrange for the participation of suitable candidates for your vacancies. 

– job fairs 

Provision of assistance services at on-site and on-line international job fairs or other recruitment days organized by the EURES Slovakia network (e.g. Austrian-German Day).  Opportunity to participate in European job days through the  platform. 

other recruitment-related services 

Informing your candidates about living and working conditions in the country concerned, targeted labour mobility support programmes (e.g. Your first EURES job, Reactivate),  working together to identify possible causes why your vacancies were not filled and reaching  an agreement on how to proceed. 

What EURES expects from you:

  • you should use a standardized form for reporting vacancies
  • you should provide all information necessary for successful placement of candidates, including in particular job description and information on workingconditions, pay and accommodation (including housing costs), employment start date and closing date of the recruitment process. The more accurate and detailed information you provide, the more successful the selection will be.
  • the job offered must meet the minimum standards applicable, namely the amount of pay must be in line with national legislation and collective agreements, other labour-related legal regulations must be complied with, payment of social security and health insurance contributions, compliance with occupational safety and health protection regulations 
  • you should provide assistance in the investigation of possible complaints by clients
  • you should confirm the status of recruitment at least once a month by e-mail or by telephone to the EURES contact person (EURES adviser who is responsible for the publication of the vacancy)
  • you should send a list of candidates hired for the jobs advertised through the EURES network and complete a feedback questionnaire no later than 60 days after the closing date for the submission of applications and/or CVs indicated in the vacancy notice
  • responsibility the foreign employer is responsible for the content of the job offer submitted by them and subsequently published at

In order to ensure that the database of job vacancies on the website is up-to- date, foreign employers are obliged to inform EURES Slovakia of any change in the job offer,  including in particular any change in working conditions and any vacancies that have been  filled. 

Termination of cooperation

Cooperation with a foreign employer will be terminated if:

– the employer’s company ceases to exist; 

– the company has intentionally provided false information about wages and working  conditions 

– a complaint by a client hired for the advertised job proves to be justified.